Thursday, 27 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine




结果,这次的书展我又破戒了!原因是地点太方便了,对懒惰的我来说真是“超级方便 + 顺便啦”。^_^
Monday, 24 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

Will You Be There

In Our Darkest Hour

In My Deepest Despair

Will You Still Care?

Will You Be There?

In My Trials

And My Tripulations

Through Our Doubts

And Frustrations

In My Violence

In My Turbulence

Through My Fear

And My Confessions

In My Anguish And My Pain

Through My Joy And My Sorrow

In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow

I’ll Never Let You Part

For You’re Always In My Heart.
Written by Michael Jackson, 1991.

Thursday, 20 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

快闪族对Michael Jackson的纪念方式

你知道什么是“快闪族”吗?英文是 "Flash Mod"。

他们是一群互不相识的人透过互联网或手提电话简讯相约在指定时间和地点集合,然後一起做出一些特定的动作(例如拍手掌、叫口号等,一般是不犯法却很引人注意的动作),又在短时间内若无其事般急速消失。这种行为被称为「快闪行动」,可视为一种短暂的行为艺术。又有聪明暴民(Smart Mobs)、快闪暴走族、聪明行动帮等称呼。

这是瑞典的快闪族在广场的表演活动,目的是要纪念Michael Jackson。他们跳了一小段的Beat It,我很喜欢这样的活动。如果我在现场,我也会加入。

纪念Michael Jackson的快闪族也在台湾,香港和美国出现。很有意思!

快闪族的活动可到 “”里寻找。很受新新人类喜欢。
Wednesday, 19 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine


Well, i have no comment on car but this test really make me think twice not to buy cheap car cos' our life is precious & not cheap. If you have seen this test, you better think twice before purchase new car. God bless!!

Cina Apek 的做法

什么时候变成Cina Apek的环境了??只有笨蛋才会做一大堆治标不治本的愚事。=_=lll

什么 block Facebook, Yahoo Mail!!你以为这样就能解决问题吗?原来 Ang Mo 的智商也只不过如此!

乡亲父老们!别以为 Ang Mo 都很聪明,他们并不是我们想象中的厉害; 他们只是好廉而已。

=_=" 嫌啦!!

Chocolate by Yasmin Ahmad

Thursday, 13 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

Men Vs Women & Dumb Vs Crazy

A Guy That I Looking For ^_^

Being Unperfect

I once loved knitting wool art, that was long long time ago. Recently my colleague ~ Wai has stitching few wool clothes. She was reminded me on my past knitting wool art learning time. It was tough, & i couldn't consistent on it. Now, looking back......a bit regret not to persist the learning period. It was over more than a decade, i really doubt on myself whether or not to learn it again. It was my interest before, and i really loved it. I wish i could continue the skill. I'd never completed any knitting wool art, when i learn it once again, i really hope that myself is able to persevere it. It is my wish. ~*n_n*~
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

iPhone ~ About Love & Worried

There are many bad news from Iphone & Ipop Touch. Many user complaint on explosion of device. I'm one of the user among a million, I having same worry too. I use my iPhone for blogging, Internet modem, organiser & etc so many other functions. I scare it would explode one day due to over used. Actually I'm considering to upgrade my iPhone 3G to iPhone 3Gs but I was holding back for the explosion news. I'm not confident to upgrade at this moment. I need more assurance from Apple now. I hope Apple will improve their product quality before launch more new devices. As a iPhone user, I must take more consideration on it.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

我们这班 OL 就是这样,连吃个午餐都”闲“

这就是我和 Irene 的写照,每天就为了个午餐烦!烦什么呢?烦吃什么,去那里吃啦!结果就演变成漫画里的衰样。^_^ 真是滑稽!

为什么 OL 有这个问题呢?哎呀!每天吃同样的东西。。。。很嫌的!而且工作烦闷,不找一点废话来讲真是会疯掉啦!

哈哈哈!这就是普通 OL 日常生活。找乐子!找乐子!找乐子!



GeoTagged, [N3.10652, W101.63112]

满街都是戴口罩的人,人心惶惶! 我买了三个口罩,但不是很想戴。我尝试戴了三秒钟,结果差一点窒息而死;赶快把它拿下来。迟一步就成为第一个戴口罩窒息而死的笨蛋!结果我的口罩只能当装饰品让我拍照了。。。。^_^"
Monday, 10 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

Rude Ang Mo Rampas sit in LRT

GeoTagged, [N3.15655, W101.71474]

This ang mo rampas sit in LRT. I just reached the empty sit & almost place my butt on it but this rude ang mo quickly rampas the sit from me then place his big butt on the sit immediately. OMG nowadays ang mo also so rude, even more rude then others races. 有过之而无不及!汗颜!=_="

Celaka hamsap guy

GeoTagged, [N3.11521, W101.66291]

This celaka pretend to sleep in LRT then open his pig legs wide wide to show off his banana & at the same time hamsap the ladies beside him. I take down his photo to show others that he is shit lah!

LRT's Celaka @&£#%¥$€%#

GeoTagged, [N3.11521, W101.66291]

This hamsap Malay guy open his legs as wide as possible & really make 2 sits for himself! One leg one sit! He sitting beside me, I try my best to push him away but this stupid idiot hamsap guy just act nothing happen. You know! Inside LRT got 2 types of ppl will need 2 sits to fit themself. First type is FAT, second type is stupid idiot celaka hamsup guy. The second one will open their legs wide wide to show off their banana, they want ppl to know their banana is big but this kind of stupid idiot also want to hamsap ladies beside them.
Sunday, 9 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

Praise & Worship Team Practise Songs After Church Service

GeoTagged, [N3.11720, W101.63602]

Sister Esther & Wei Jin will be a song lead on next Sunday Service. They are practising the songs now. Guitarist is Joshua & pianist is Khim Soon. Sao Chew & I watching their pactise in the church. We got nothing to do lah! ^_^
Friday, 7 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine

Alamak!! This is me!! 猪小妹

GeoTagged, [N3.15466, W101.70560]

I love this drawing cos' it really represent me! I exactly having same felling as 猪小妹, always feel hungry! I try to reduce meal taken but my super size stomach always shout to me : I'm hungry, give me food now! =_="

I having very challenge task now........resize my stomach to normal size. Gambatte!!

Pretty but lansi lady

GeoTagged, [N3.08800, W101.71675]

I met a pretty lady in LRT this morning. She sat opposite me, she looks pretty but her make up is over-paint! I think she trIes to spoil her pretty face with terrible make up skill. The worst thing is she touch-up her makeup again in LRT, try to put more layers on her pretty face. Alamak! One thing I really cannot tahan is she very kurang ajar lah! Firstly she looks at me from head to toe then from toe to hair, but I only look at her face. After that she shows her lansi look to me, just like she tries to show off her super layer face. Hahaha!! I know I'm too bad to describe this lady with terrible description but she really gives me that kind of bad impression. So, pretty lady better don't too show off cos' your attitude will turn you down. ^_^"
Saturday, 1 August 2009 | By: Lily Jasmine


GeoTagged, [N3.12684, W101.63724]
